Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Born to Swim: Do You Like Iron Man?

After yesterday's disaster in the pool, I went for run this morning.  It was a great run, and I felt really good even after a tough swim.  I decided it would be a good idea to go to the pool this afternoon and see if I could run in the morning and then swim that same day.  This was all pretty much on a whim—I didn't even have my contacts with me!  Pretty much blind, I went to the pool and worked on breathing.  It was still frustrating, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.  I still have a long way to go, but it wasn't as completely demoralizing as yesterday's swim was.  I also went 50 yards farther than yesterday, and my rests were considerably shorter.  Then, of course, I was really excited to use the centrifuge.

So, I was in a better mood leaving the Rec because of my better than awful swim.  As I was walking, an undergrad carrying flyers came up to me and asked: "Do you like Ironman?"  My mind thought she was asking about this:

I thought that was a very timely question since I'm starting to swim and may someday be an Ironman*.  So, I responded with: "Well, I'd sure like to be one someday!"  She then gave me a very confused look.  I then realized that she really asked "Do you like Iron Man?":

Sheepishly, I responded: "Oh, the movie.  Never seen it."  I then chuckled to myself and walked back to my office.

*An Ironman Triathlon is the "holy grail" of triathlons.  It consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run.  Someday, maybe someday...


Katie said...

I told you you were born to swim! :-) And, I sort of think that an Iron Man is more like the holy grail of multisport endurance races in general, not just tris.

Matt said...

I'm not born to swim—I just felt that way after she asked me about Iron Man.

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