Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Now?

It's now been a week since the triathlon, although it seems like ages ago.  I've got some more pictures from the event that I'll be posting soon.

The question now is what am I going to do for the rest of the year.  I'm certainly no triathlete, so no more triathlons for the rest of this year.  (I'll admit that it was fun, though, and next year I'll do a few more.  My plans for next year, though, are the subject of another post entirely.  A post that I probably won't write until December.  Or January.  But I digress.)

My racing schedule for the rest of 2010 is lighter compared to the year up to this point.  Here's what I've got planned:

  • My main focus: Twin Cities Marathon.  I don't want to give the impression that I'm only focusing on this now.  This has been my big goal and main focus for months now.  The triathlon was a healthy diversion, and it was set up such that it would support my marathon training.  I think looking at my results from the triathlon, you'll see that my running didn't suffer by adding the biking and swimming.  Refreshingly, though, with the triathlon being done, I can go to running almost exclusively.  Sure, I may get a swim in every now and then, and I think Roy deserves to get his wheels spinning every so often, but the mantra is going to be "run.  Run.  RUN."  In fact, I did the first of 3 twenty mile runs today, and it went really well.
  • Beyond the marathon, I've got a few ideas for what I could do.  I'll certainly take the needed recovery time, but I'm looking at a few races in Oct/Nov.  The first is the Monster Dash.  Katie and I did the 5k last year, but since it's so crowded, I don't want to do the 5k this year.  I'm leaning towards the 10 mile race, but I'm not going to make any decisions about this until after Twin Cities.  I want to see how the recovery is going before committing myself to that distance.
  • I'm 99% sure about the next race: the Tesfa 5k.  Once again, Katie and I did this last year, and we both had a fantastic time.  I LOVE small races, and Ft. Snelling is a fantastic place to run, so we'll most likely be there again.  And, this year we have the annual state parks pass.
  • I don't have anything specific for after the Tesfa 5k, but I'm considering an indoor triathlon sometime this winter.  That may happen in 2010 or 2011, depending on the schedules.
  • Not related to racing, but I'm really looking forward to Dome Running this year.  Strange, isn't it? I love running outdoors, but there's just something about spending your evening with the whole Twin Cities running community.

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