Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Week in Reverse: Week 2

My Road ID is here!  Check it out:

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This update is delayed a bit, but here's how week 2 went:

Sunday, March 14: 5ish miles.  This was supposed to be a long run of 7 miles, but I had very little time on Sunday, so it ended up being just shy of 5 miles.  Nonetheless, it was a beautiful day out, and I enjoyed this run.

Saturday, March 13: 30 min fartlek.  I really enjoyed this run.  Katie and I been in Iowa Friday and Saturday, so when we got back around 7pm on Saturday night, it was already dark.  I still wanted to get my run in, so I went.  It was my first time running outside at that time of day, and there was no one out.  I ran up and down the river road, and it was a warm and foggy evening.  Real eerie, but real cool.  The run itself was fun, and I enjoyed picking out streetlights or trees to sprint to.  By the way fartlek is a running technique with lots of speed variations (it literally means speed play).  You jog along, then pick out some object in the distance and sprint towards it.  Then jog for recovery.  Repeat.  We did things like this in high school, but it was much more rigid along the lines of "run fast when stopwatch beeps, jog when it beeps again, repeat".

Friday, March 12: rest

Thursday, March 11:  40 min run.  This was a tremendously busy day.  I had 2 presentations to give, so I was looking forward to the run.  Once again, David joined me at the dome, and it was the last night of Dome Running for the season.  This is exciting because it means the weather is getting better, but I'll miss running in the Dome for a few months.

Wednesday, March 10: 3 x Hill.  Now this was a tough workout.  I did the Marshall Ave. hill again.  I managed 2 repeats before the air got to me.  Yes, it was a pollution alert day, and I could really feel it in my lungs.  So, for the 3rd repeat, I did the slightly less steep hill on Marshall between Cleveland and Fairview.  Still a workout, but at least I could breathe.

Tuesday, March 9: 3 mile run.  Nothing too remarkable here.  I still long for when the median of Summit is solid enough on which to run.  Soon, soon…

Monday, March 8: 3 miles + strength training.  Another workout on the deathmill.  I hate treadmills soooo much.  When I get about 5 minutes into the run, it feels like I've been doing it for hours, and it is just sooooo boring.  After that, I did strength exercises, and discovered that if I use 2 dumbbells, I can simulate a bench-press without the need of a spotter.  Yay!

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