Saturday, August 15, 2009

50 days and counting!

Today marks the 50 days until the marathon point. I finished my longest run to date (16 miles) and it was a toasty one this morning. The marathon organizers ran a water stop at Lake Calhoun where they gave out water, Powerade, and Gu. I thought it would be about 8 miles from my apartment. Turns out, it was more like 9, so I had to improvise my return route to cut a little distance.

I have also concluded that energy gels are weird. The texture is rather unexpected, and the taste isn't that great. The flavors they had were chocolate, espresso, strawberry banana, and vanilla bean. Vanilla bean looked like the least objectionable, so that's what I tried. I picked up some other flavors from the store today, so I can see if any of them turn out to be better. All in all, I did notice a boost in my energy, even if it was short-lived.

TC Marathon Countdown: 50 days

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