Friday, January 29, 2010

Chariots of Fire, Or Something Like That

You may or may not know that I'm prone to weird dreams that are of the "liturgical disaster" variety.  I still have these, but I had one last night that merged with a running dream.  I shall tell you about it:

The Scene:  A well-cared-for outdoor area with trees, open spaces, bushes, and prairie grass.  Kind of like a golf course or a nice cemetery without the graves and dead people.

The Dream:  I was part of a service of lessons and carols that was taking place in the outdoorsy space.  There were a number of groups doing each lesson/carol in a staggered fashion traveling around the space.  The theme of the service was Easter.  At one point, I realized we had forgotten something, so I offered to go back to the base and get it.  I start running, and I look down and realize that I'm not wearing any shoes.  This gives me great joy.  At first, I don't know exactly what to do.  I run down a dirt road, then through some prairie grass.

Before reading on, hit play, then start reading:

I'm now running through some trees and I'm starting to really get into the barefoot running.  The theme from Chariots of Fire starts playing (see above) and everything is in slow motion.  Up ahead, there is another group of people, and a big lawn sprinkler is shooting in a large arc.  I see this sprinkler, and in my mind, I see myself getting to the sprinkler, leaping into the spray with a fist pump into the air.  Epic.  As I get to the sprinkler, I miss the water, the music stops, slow motion stops, and I chase after the sprinkler desperate to get wet.

Well, after failing the epic leap, I walk into the building and find Mr. Justice (my high school athletic director).  He tells me that he heard from the NCUR people, and they suggested that since I was just accepted for a third time, that I should frame a pair of my shoes.  I asked if my dress shoes would work because they were old and worn out.  He said it shouldn't be a problem.

I walk out of the building to go back to the service of lessons and carols.  In the distance I can hear the organ—which is actually built into a truck—playing This Joyful Eastertide.  I'm excited, and run back, only to realize that I was supposed to do a reading and didn't have a service folder.

Crazy, huh?


WhoSheIs said...

Beautiful dream. :) Please do frame your church shoes some day, eh?

Matt said...

I just wonder how I would do that? Glue them to a piece of cardboard and frame that?

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