Saturday, September 12, 2009

The light at the end of the tunnel.

A lot has happened since my last update. I passed the 1 month left point, and this past week I reached the pinnacle of the training program. Dealing with a bit of injury, I had to take a couple days off, but today I did the big 20 miler. Yup, 20 miles. In such a long run, many things can happen. Things such as…

…being attacked by a squirrel.
…eating lots of Gu. (Tri-Berry is a good flavor. Plain, not so much)
…having Katie ride her bike and replenish my water supply.
…running through a balloon arch for some 5k that was about to start.
…hitting the wall. Yes, it's as unpleasant as they say. Like really.
…forgetting what comes after the number 34, and spending 20 seconds trying to remember.

The taper begins this week, so that means 3 weeks until the marathon. Oh boy…

TC Marathon Countdown: 22 days.

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